Rental Toolbox is a responsive web application that allows Home Depot store associates to rent trucks and other equipment to our professional and DIY customers from anywhere in the store.

I came onto the Rental Toolbox team shortly before its MVP’s initial release. After the product successfully shipped, I conducted a usability test, evaluated user feedback through Usabilla, and worked alongside store associates, observing their needs and my own.
Based on the previously described evaluative research, I found four areas of improvement:
Based on our findings, I began sketching potential solutions to the discovered pain points.
Initial MVP Flow
The initial MVP’s information architecture worked effectively in only a few use cases. Based on my field observations and review of Usabilla comments, I found this flow did not allow the user to use the product in a way that was holistically valuable.
Refined Create Flow
Refined Check-in Flow
Refined Design
This design has gone through multiple user tests and iterations. After the initial round of testing, I was moved to work on an in-store reporting product. If given more time with this design, I would have focused more on developing the micro-interactions of the search bar and making the product usable for customers as well as associates. 

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